851 research outputs found

    ‘Useful, usable and used’: Sustaining an Australian model of cross-faculty service learning by concentrating on shared value creation

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    In recent decades, partnerships between community-based organisations and universities through service-learning programs have proliferated, reflected in an equally energetic growth in the research literature on process, evaluation, benefits and lessons learned. As an example of student experiential education through community engagement, service learning’s potential to contribute to students, community partners and the university is well recognised, although the research has tended to focus on benefits to students rather than the value in engagement for the community sector. UTS Shopfront Community Program is a cross-university initiative that has successfully facilitated curricular service learning in multiple disciplines for 20 years at an Australian university, leading to the completion of more than 1000 community projects. In examining this program, this article aims to describe both a sustainable, generative partnership model for creating shared value and, through analysis of 10 years of evaluation data, define what value is created for community partners and students through this project work. Key components in enabling a shared-value approach include: community-initiated projects based on need; a dedicated cross-university program and an assigned project coordinator; the engagement of faculty expertise through students with developed skills in appropriately structured courses; and community ownership of outcomes. Ongoing challenges include: scoping ‘student-ready’ briefs; managing risk, commitment and workload; designing coursework structures to deliver shared value; and achieving the ‘Holy Grail’ of transdisciplinarity

    Hvordan kan sykepleiere gjennom informasjon og undervisning fremme mestring hos Hiv-positive?

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    I Norge pÄvises det mellom 200-250 nye tilfeller av Hiv hvert Är. Rundt 50- 100 av disse smittetilfellene antas Ä ha skjedd i Norge. Hiv er en sykdom som samler alle samfunnets tabuer og som ofte er forbundet med frykt, skam og skyldfÞlelser. Min hensikt med denne oppgaven er derfor Ä belyse hvordan man som sykepleier kan fremme mestring hos Hiv-positive gjennom informasjon og undervisning. Metoden som er brukt i oppgaven er litteraturstudie hvor jeg bruker tidligere forskning og studier til Ä besvare min problemstilling. Funnene i denne oppgaven er at informasjon og undervisning omkring sykdommen er med pÄ Ä gjÞre sykdommen mer hÄndterbar for den som er smittet. Gode og trygge relasjoner viser seg Ä vÊre viktig for at pasientene skal fÄ best mulig utbytte av informasjonen og undervisningen

    Disaggregating Disasters

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    In the years since the September 11 attacks, scholars and commentators have criticized the emergence of both legal developments and policy rhetoric that blur the lines between war and terrorism. Unrecognized, but equally as damaging to democratic ideals—and potentially more devastating in practical effect—is the expansion of this trend beyond the context of terrorism to a much wider field of nonwar emergencies. Indeed, in recent years, war and national security rhetoric has come to permeate the legal and policy conversations on a wide variety of natural and technological disasters. This melding of disaster and war for purposes of justifying exceptions to ordinary constitutional and democratic norms is particularly apparent in governmental restrictions on the flow of its communications in disasters, as limitations on information flow that might be warranted when there are thinking enemies (such as in times of war) are invoked in disaster scenarios lacking such thinking enemies. The extension of wartime transparency exceptionalism into nonthinking-enemy disasters—reflected in both legislation and official rhetoric—risks the illegitimate construction of enemies by government, the unwarranted transformation of public spaces into war zones from which the public can be more easily excluded, and the inappropriate reliance on notions of the fog of war to justify communication failures and overbroad access restrictions. Only by consciously disaggregating dissimilar forms of emergencies and removing the rhetoric of war from disaster decisionmaking can the government make appropriate determinations about the provision of information in times of community or national crisis

    Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Impact Several Toxicological Endpoints and Cause Neurodegeneration in \u3cem\u3eCaenorhabditis elegans\u3c/em\u3e

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    Engineered nanoparticles are becoming increasingly incorporated into technology and consumer products. In 2014, over 300 tons of copper oxide nanoparticles were manufactured in the United States. The increased production of nanoparticles raises concerns regarding the potential introduction into the environment or human exposure. Copper oxide nanoparticles commonly release copper ions into solutions, which contribute to their toxicity. We quantified the inhibitory effects of both copper oxide nanoparticles and copper sulfate on C. elegans toxicological endpoints to elucidate their biological effects. Several toxicological endpoints were analyzed in C. elegans, including nematode reproduction, feeding behavior, and average body length. We examined three wild C. elegans isolates together with the Bristol N2 laboratory strain to explore the influence of different genotypic backgrounds on the physiological response to copper challenge. All strains exhibited greater sensitivity to copper oxide nanoparticles compared to copper sulfate, as indicated by reduction of average body length and feeding behavior. Reproduction was significantly reduced only at the highest copper dose, though still more pronounced with copper oxide nanoparticles compared to copper sulfate treatment. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of copper oxide nanoparticles and copper sulfate on neurons, cells with known vulnerability to heavy metal toxicity. Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons was observed in up to 10% of the population after copper oxide nanoparticle exposure. Additionally, mutants in the divalent-metal transporters, smf-1 or smf-2, showed increased tolerance to copper exposure, implicating both transporters in copper-induced neurodegeneration. These results highlight the complex nature of CuO nanoparticle toxicity, in which a nanoparticle-specific effect was observed in some traits (average body length, feeding behavior) and a copper ion specific effect was observed for other traits (neurodegeneration, response to stress)

    Fra slÞjd og hÄndarbejde til hÄndvÊrk og design: En kulturanalytisk, didaktisk og materiel undersÞgelse af etablerings- og forandringsprocesser i fag og fagdidaktik

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    Denne afhandling undersĂžger forandringsprocesserne fra de tidligere fag slĂžjd og hĂ„ndarbejde til faget hĂ„ndvĂŠrk og design. I min undersĂžgelse har jeg haft mulighed for at fĂžlge processerne pĂ„ tĂŠt hold blandt andet gennem feltarbejde i skolen. Her fik jeg Ăžje pĂ„, at den didaktiske forandringsproces i fagomrĂ„det ikke alene var et lokalt anliggende internt i skolen og faget, men et anliggende der havde betydning for og stod i relation til andre praksisformer uden for skolen i bĂ„de samfund og stat. I dette mĂžde blev det ligeledes synligt, hvordan de tidligere praksisformer i slĂžjd og hĂ„ndarbejde spillede ind i hĂ„ndvĂŠrk og designfagets tilblivelse. For at gribe hele forandringsprocessen har jeg, ud fra en dialektisk forstĂ„else, integreret teorier i et undersĂžgelsesdesign, der videnskabsteoretisk trĂŠkker pĂ„ forskellige forstĂ„elser. Tilsammen bygger teorierne til pĂ„ videreudvikling af en bred forstĂ„else af didaktikbegrebet, og sĂžger at bygge bro mellem didaktik og kulturanalyse som videnskabelige tilgange Ud fra et historisk greb er analysen rammesat af fem epoker, hvor fĂžlgende praksisformer behandles i hver epoke: fagets undervisningspraksis, folkeskolens praksis, lĂŠreruddannelsens praksis, de eksterne deltagere i fagets praksis, den politiske praksis og den mellemstatlige praksis. Efter epokeanalyserne prĂŠsenteres en kronologisk praksisfortĂŠlling, som viser hĂ„ndvĂŠrk og design fagets tilblivelsesproces pĂ„ Ă©n skole gennem flere epoker. Her synliggĂžres og analyseres, hvordan de didaktiske forandringsprocesser lokalt set trĂŠkker trĂ„de til andre praksisformer i skolen, samfund og stat og over tid.   FĂŠlles for alle epoker og praksisfortĂŠllingen er, at relationerne mellem de definerede praksisformer synliggĂžres og undersĂžges ud fra teori om didaktik og materialitet. Det understreger afhandlingens grundlĂŠggende erkendelsesinteresse, der stiller spĂžrgsmĂ„let om, hvordan didaktisk undervisningspraksis kan forstĂ„s og undersĂžges som noget der formes, dannes og forandres i brede samfunds- og politiske sammenhĂŠnge over tid, pĂ„ tvĂŠrs af fag, institutioner, fagforstĂ„elser og forskellige deltagere. Desuden sĂžger afhandlingen at vise, hvordan den materielle vending Ă„bner for nye mulige mĂ„der at undersĂžge og analysere kulturer og didaktisk praksis pĂ„. SĂ„ledes rummer afhandlingen en almen didaktisk undersĂžgelse af fagdidaktiske tilblivelsesprocesser, som bidrager med nye kulturanalytiske perspektiver pĂ„, hvordan fag og fagdidaktik fra slĂžjd og hĂ„ndarbejde til hĂ„ndvĂŠrk og design kan begribes og gribes an som forandringsprocesser. &nbsp
